Benefits of regular professional grooming for cats

Cats groom themselves. Right? Let’s break this down a little. Grooming and licking are different things. Although it is generally true that cats groom themselves, there are many benefits that can be gained additionally through employing the services of professional groomers. While many cat owners have their cats groomed to keep them looking and feeling at their best, some overlook the importance of proper professional grooming.

By making professional grooming an integral part of your cat’s care, you will find that it will enjoy a healthier and happier life. Even short-coated cats will benefit from periodic grooming.

There are many benefits to regular grooming of cats:

  • Regular grooming gives us a chance to discover and eliminate mats, ticks, fleas, excessive shedding, and other health conditions that you may otherwise miss,
  • Helping cats have a neat, clean, coat reduces their innate urge to lick and spread saliva. Also giving cats a spa day at the grooming salon every now and then can be beneficial to owners with animal allergies. Baths can help with dander and shedding, which can help to cut down on allergens. Some cats suffer from skin conditions and itching that is eased by a nice warm bath,
  • Cats frequently trim and sharpen their nails by scratching and/or using their incisor teeth to remove the dead outer layer of their claws and to mark their territory by leaving both a visual mark and a scent (they have scent glands on their paws), and also, to stretch their bodies and flex their feet and claws. The answer to living in harmony with their sharpened nails is to trim them regularly. If your cat runs every time you pull out the nail clippers, this might be a task best left to a professional groomer.
  • Brushing feels good for most cats. With the right brush your cat will feel like getting a massage while we are removing dead hair and tangles. Even short-haired cats need regular brushing to reduce shedding and to help prevent or reduce the frequency of hairballs forming. Long-haired cats need even more brushing to prevent mats from forming. A mat is a tangled patch of fur, and severe matting can be annoying and even painful for a cat.
  • Cats need their ears cleaned regularly, especially those prone to ear infections. This is more common in long-coated cats than others. Still, keeping the inside of your cat’s ears clean of wax build up, fluid, dirt and debris will prevent ear infections, ear mites and other ailments. It will help your feline friend feel more comfortable.
  • Grooming could help the more nervous cats to relax. With a caring professional groomer, thanks to reduced risk for escape or injury and a controlled environment, your cat will be safer.

Whatever the condition of your cat’s skin and fur, we are prepared to offer the best and most relaxing professional service – from a special cleansing bath to nail clipping – that will have your kitty feeling light and clean. We will ensure that your cat’s fur is the best it can be – free of tangles, fleas, and parasites.

We understand that cats have special needs in the grooming salon, so we do our best to schedule cats separately from dogs. In addition to brushing and clipping treatments, we use the high quality bath products that will provide your cat with a beautiful coat.

Try us today. If your cat is having trouble with his or her fur or you’re convinced that grooming is the next step on the wellness path (it is!), we’d love to help. Try us out with our New Client Discount of $10.00 off. Look us up at or call us at (416) 836-2311 or go to here.

Benefits of brushing your dog regularly

Brushing is an important part of the care routine for canines. It may be required on a weekly or daily basis. This simply depends on the breed.

When you brush your dog regularly, you remove dead hair, distribute natural oils for a clean and healthy coat, stimulate the surface of its skin, and rid her of dead and dry skin. The mechanical action of brushing helps remove dead hair and various types of dirt and particles (weeds, soil, grass seeds, etc.) and it facilitates the growth of new fur. Regular brushing also helps you to become familiar with your dog’s body which will allow you to notice lumps, presence of parasites such as ticks or fleas, and other health related problems early in their occurrence. As a rule of thumb, brushing your dog at least once every couple of days is highly recommended irrespective of how long its coat is.

The right way to brush your dog

Brush your dog by starting at the head area and stroking with the grain of the hair. Then brush the sides from the back down to the stomach. And don’t forget the paws, behind the ears, under the arm pits, all of which are hiding places for dirt and matts.  A dog’s coat, especially in breeds with long hair, can easily become matted. Not only is matted hair unsightly, but also it becomes a magnet for all kinds of debris, such as dirt and pests. Matting, especially when severe, can pose a health risk for your pup and the worse the mat, the harder it will become to brush it out.

My tip: Using a detangling leave-in conditioning spray can make brushing easier, especially if your dog has a long coat that tangles easily. Spray the leave-in conditioner on your dog’s damp coat after a bath and before drying, or lightly spray over dry fur and brush through the coat.

Please pay particular attention to brushing your dog during periods of molt.

A Grooming Plan for Your Dog

Why is regular grooming necessary?

Grooming doesn’t just make your pet look good. It is also necessary for your pet’s health. It is similar to what we do for ourselves; bathing, clipping the nails, cutting hair, shaving, cleaning ears, and so on don’t just make us look good. They are an essential part of keeping us healthy and are necessary to prevent illness and other harmful influences. For example, long nails can break during work or play and cause infection. Long hair can block vision and cause falls and other accidents. Dirty ears provide a site for onset of infection. Dirty teeth cause plaque and infection of the gums resulting in tooth decay and bigger problems. Long unwanted hair around the paws can cause slips and falls. So, most of what we do for your pets are to keep them healthy. We try to make them look good too,. That is simply an additional bonus. However, the more essential elements of care must be provided on a regular basis so that your pet can be happy and healthy.

Some breeds need more care than others. In order to make it more predictable and less stressful for you and your dog, we offer various plans catered to your dog’s needs and your budget. We will help you to prioritize and ensure that your dog receives the essential services in a timely manner. Regular grooming will not only keep your dogs healthy, but also it will probably save you some money too because healthier dogs with good hygiene will make fewer trips to their vets.

Please ask us about a plan that is suitable both for you and your dog.